Sunday 6 February 2011

On days like this, it is great to be in SW France



6th February at 11am and it’s 15C, with a forecast approaching 18-20C later.

Not a cloud in the sky.

Simply beautiful to walk with our dogs.

Ron Smile

Friday 14 January 2011

Back in Alaigne, SW France



The last few days, here in Alaigne,  have had glorious sunrises. So strong and so energizing. It’s amazing what a few minutes of warmth from the sun do to your attitude to the day.

Light has a very positive and creative influence on me. Darkness is totally the opposite.

Today, a picture from the kitchen that sort of captures the sunrise, at least, from one dimension. 14C and rumoured to rise to 20C on our patio. Not bad for mid January!
